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The Power of SSAS Pensions for Property Investors

As a property professional, you’re always on the lookout for effective ways to maximise your returns while minimising costs and taxes. Enter the SSAS pension – a game-changer in the property investment world. A Small Self-Administered Scheme (SSAS) is a company pension designed for small to medium-sized businesses.

Ed Miliband: Landlords must meet EPC C targets by 2030

Landlords could face bans on renting out their property if they do not meet EPC C targets by 2030, claims the NRLA.

Ed Miliband, energy security and net zero secretary, told the House of Commons that landlords must meet energy efficiency targets by 2030 but gave no further detail on how this will be achieved.

Survey reveals landlords’ divided views on Labour’s election victory

A survey has found that 43% of the UK’s landlords are optimistic that Labour’s General Election victory will benefit them.

However, the survey also reveals that 34% of landlords believe the election victory will be bad for landlords

Industry expert urges letting agents to champion the Renters’ Rights Bill

Since letting agents have crucial knowledge about the private rented sector (PRS), they must push for its improvement and support the proposed Renters’ Rights Bill.

That’s the view of Neil Cobbold, PayProp’s commercial director, and he says agents must engage with MPs to achieve this.

Homeownership dream fades as affordability crisis deepens – Skipton

Just one in eight potential first-time buyers can afford the average property in their area, with the situation even more dire for lower earners, research reveals.

The Skipton Group Home Affordability Index also highlights that the figure drops to one in 100 for renters earning less than £22,850.

London’s social landlords under fire as complaints soar

Half of all complaints lodged with the Housing Ombudsman in the past year originated from the capital, a new report reveals.

The stark figure from the Housing Ombudsman underlines a deepening crisis in London’s social housing market where residents face disproportionate challenges.

Post-Election Property Price Predictions: What to Expect in the Market

In this insightful episode, Ranjan Bhattacharya analyses the potential impact of the recent election on property prices. How will the new political landscape affect the real estate market?

Join Ranjan as he breaks down expert predictions, discusses key factors influencing the market

Great tenant for 12 years but I need to sell?

Hi, My wife and I are keen to sell our final rental property. We are now fully retired, aged 78 & 66, and wish to sell so we can recover the cash to cover our retirement plans.

Our tenant has been in the house since we bought it around 12 years ago.  

Landbay expands BTL range with new non-portfolio products

Buy to let lender Landbay has unveiled a fresh suite of non-portfolio products, alongside rate cuts and new offerings.

Designed for landlords owning three or fewer mortgaged properties, the new range features five-year fixed rates up to 75% loan-to-value (LTV) starting from 4.39%.

Investing in a garage – ideas and tips?

Hi everyone, My siblings and I have made a decision to invest in a garage and are currently saving up for our first investment. Does anyone know the areas where there is high demand?

Given the importance of location